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2025 BCA Board Elections: Candidates, Voting & More

Updated: Dec 5, 2024

At the December 17 meeting, we’ll be casting our votes for the 2025 BCA Board of Directors. Ahead of the election, we’re sharing who’s running, how to vote, and the rules of the election.


General Election Rules

You are entitled to a list of candidates nominated for election at least fourteen days prior to the meeting. This list includes any community member who submitted their name for consideration by November 30, 2024. Additionally, nominations may also be made from the floor, by any member of the association, at the meeting.


The candidate who receives the greatest number of votes for each office will be elected. In the event of a tie, a runoff vote will be conducted immediately following the general vote.


How do I cast my vote?

You can vote in one of two ways:

  1. Attend the December 17, 2024, meeting in person* and complete the paper ballot there. Ballots will be distributed at the rate of one ballot per eligible attending voter.

  2. Submit your absentee ballot (PDF) and/or proxy form (PDF) to the Secretary at least 15 minutes prior to the meeting. Your ballot should be sealed and delivered in person or by mail to the Secretary. Deliver to 105 Anstead Dr.


*A note about Zoom attendance: Our current By-Laws do not allow for online voting. If you plan to attend the meeting online, you’ll need to submit your absentee or proxy vote to the Secretary by 6:45 PM on December 17, 2024.


What is a proxy vote?

A homeowner may designate another member of the Association to act as the member's proxy. A homeowner, renting his property, may give their proxy to the person renting the property for the duration of the rental agreement (or until rescinded in writing).


2025 Candidates


  • Clay Rogers



  • Anna Linder

  • Chris Haltiwanger


  • Angela Woodruff


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