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Clarification on Voting Rights

We have received clarity on Article V, Membership Section 1: Eligibility a.) sentences 5, 6 and 7 of the BCA By-Laws (page 5): 

“Then either homeowner or renter may pay dues with the ultimate responsibility being the homeowner. The payment of dues, (paid either by homeowner or renter with proxy) as well as compliance with Article V (1) (b), will entitle the resident, whether owner or renter, two (2) positions of membership and voting rights within the Association.” 


Each lot (homeowner) has two (2) votes and two (2) memberships regardless of the number of names on the deed, whether they have a spouse or a renter.  


Example: Homeowner X buys a lot and is given two (2) votes and two (2) memberships. Homeowner X rents their property and keeps one membership for herself, leaving only one (1) position of membership to the renter. 


Each lot has equal influence. No lot has more or less influence over other lots. 


“The right to belong to the Association through the two positions of membership available with each residence lot will be referred to in these bylaws as "membership" or "membership status". Each person (resident) who becomes a member in the Association, whether owner or renter with approved proxy must be registered with the Association pursuant to Article V (1) (b). The Treasurer and Secretary will maintain a current membership list.” 


Each person who will take one (1) of the lot’s two (2) memberships and will vote on behalf of the lot must register with the Treasurer and Secretary. This includes: 

  • The homeowner 

  • Renter(s) - with signed proxy from the homeowner  

  • Spouse with proof marriage and driver's license (deeding not required)  

  • Deeded persons who will have voting rights  

If there are more than two (2) people on the deed for a lot, only two (2) people may register and be given voting rights.  


The ultimate responsibility for maintaining membership, and voting on behalf of the lot, belongs to the homeowner. The BCA board is not responsible for registering any members. 

The BCA board and DRES maintain a list of membership. If you need to make changes to your membership or proxy, please email your registration declaration to



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Briarwood Civic Association

Trolley Rd
Summerville, SC 29485, US

©2024 Briarwood Civic Assocation

Dorchester Real Estate Services, Inc.


Briarwood HOA Payment
P.O. Box 116
St. George, SC 29477-0116.

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